Well, here’s what we know about you so far. You are an exceptional human being. Everyone has weaknesses, but only the exceptional choose to do something about them! And here you are, doing something about it. We will continue to remind you of this as your journey continues. And we hope you will eventually see the reality of this truth in yourself. It takes great strength to admit weakness. It takes even greater strength to face and address weakness. And of course, it requires the greatest strength to conquer it. But this progression is a journey, not an instantaneous choice. Just like physical strength, you cannot choose it. You must PURSUE it… intentionally, resiliently, forcefully, patiently, AND WE ARE HERE TO HELP WITH THAT! The parallels between physical strength development and mental/emotional strength development do not end there. In fact, many researchers agree that your journey to SELF-MASTERY OVER ADDICTION IS SIGNIFICANTLY ENHANCED when done in conjunction with a physical fitness and nutrition routine. That’s where we come in. For over seventeen years, we have specialized in this field. Our methods have continually proven themselves and have been used successfully in a major drug and alcohol recovery center in Canada. Why are our methods so successful? Because they are based on an acknowledgement that you are already enough. Right here and now, you are enough. You have what it takes. We aren’t your beacon on a hill to follow. YOU DON’T NEED A MENTOR; YOU NEED A MIRROR! But you need to know how to see your reflection for what it truly is: a treasure. You are that capable…even when you do not feel like it. We simply help addicts to draw out the ALREADY EXISTING SKILL SET that exists within them to overcome the psychological and behavioural patterns that restrict them from accessing the best version of themselves… the REAL version of themselves. Everything you need to lead yourself out of your addiction is already within you…you just have to know where to look! And, if you’ll let us, WE’D LOVE TO SHOW YOU WHAT YOU CAN DO! Our programs combine physical fitness and nutritional coaching with emotional coaching. mental strength development, and support. Hear what a few of our clients have said about our approach: “Fortitude Fitness Family has completely changed the way I see myself. I have discovered that the real me is far stronger than I ever knew, and worth more than I ever gave myself credit for! I’ll never be perfect, and that’s OK! I have what it takes to be strong and functional in my imperfection. Thank you coaches!” – Andrew P. “One of the most valuable things I have learned from Fortitude Fitness Family is that my mistakes don’t eliminate my successes! I used to see my mistakes as all-encompassing failures that proved my weakness and worthlessness, and set all my progress back to square one. This held me back so much as I continually attacked myself for my mistakes and never seemed to find the energy or the reason to push myself toward growth. But I’ve come so far under their direction. I still make mistakes! But I don’t beat myself up for them and I move forward. As the coaches say, ‘Still strong though I’ve slipped up. Stronger when I struggle back. Strongest when I’m sober.” Thank you Travis and Leah!” – Joanne C.