Authors of "Treasure Hunting in the Mirror". Our Life:

When we are not working, we love to spend our time with our family, our faith, our animals, and our beautiful natural world around us. We are fortunate to live near the Rocky Mountains, and enjoy hiking, camping, and horseback riding with our amazing daughter and our two dogs.

People have often described Leah as “the bright spot of their day”. Her humility, happy disposition, silly sense of humour, and genuine care for those around her puts others at ease. She is fascinated by concepts of love, eternity, and spiritual connectedness. Combined with her impressive athleticism and physical strength, she is nothing less than inspirational. While she values every aspect of her life, she is most capable, content, and complete in her role as a mom to our wonderful daughter.

People would describe Travis as strong, stoic, and silly all at the same time. He is never more animated than when talking about things he believes to be meaningful. To a fault, he is disinterested in ideas and activities if he can not find meaning within them. He enjoys all athletics but particularly combat sports, and values both intense physical output and restful recreation (at this stage of life, a little more emphasis on restful recreation!) He would describe his wife Leah and his daughter as his entire world.

What We Do

For over twenty years, we have specialised in this field. Our methods have continually proved themselves as our services have been sought by schools, corporate personal development teams, and recovery centres. Why are our methods so successful? Because they are not based on the fitness industry’s lies! They are based on an acknowledgement that you are ALREADY enough. Right here and now, you are enough. You have what it takes. We aren’t your beacon on a hill to follow. YOU DON’T NEED A MENTOR, YOU NEED A MIRROR!! But you need someone to help you to see your reflection as it truly is: treasure.

You have something beautiful to offer the world: your enthusiasm for physical wellbeing in a way that uplifts and inspires those around you. You have the type of personality that great personal trainers and health mentors share…even when you do not feel like it. You’ll be amazed at what the real you has to offer when you find true purpose in physical fitness. And, if you’ll let us, WE’D LOVE TO SHOW YOU WHAT YOU CAN DO!

Our programs combine physical fitness and nutritional coaching with emotional coaching, mental strength development, and support. Hear what a few of our clients have said about our approach:

“One of the most valuable things I have learned from Fortitude Fitness Family is that my mistakes don’t eliminate my successes! I used to see my mistakes as all-encompassing failures that proved my weakness and worthlessness, and set all my progress back to square one. This held me back so much as I continually attacked myself for my mistakes and never seemed to find the energy or the reason to push myself toward growth. But I’ve come so far under their direction. I still make mistakes! But I don’t beat myself up for them and I move forward. As the coaches say, ‘Still strong though I’ve slipped up. Stronger when I struggle back. Strongest when I’m sober.’ Thank you Travis and Leah!”
Joanne C.
I never knew how much connection there was between physical and mental health. I’ve come so far in both that I hardly recognize myself sometimes! And to think that this strong person I see in the mirror was the real me all along! I wouldn’t have learned that without them.

Our Packages

If you were to seek the services of a personal trainer to customise your training/nutritional program, and a life coach to help you achieve your mental and emotional wellness goals, you could easily pay well over $1000 – $1500 per month! While we believe money spent on your mental and physical health is likely the best money you’ll ever spend, for some people this kind of expenditure is simply unrealistic…and sadly, your health and happiness can suffer as a result. As we always reiterate, YOU DESERVE TO CARE FOR YOURSELF!

That’s why we’ve done our best to combine heartfelt and empathetic life coaching with fully customised training and nutrition programs at an affordable cost that won’t break your bank account! Our services combine our love, insight, and expertise into training/coaching models that are incredibly effective, fulfilling, uplifting, and empowering.

Over a 6-month period, we will completely oversee your journey to discovering the REAL YOU, the BEST YOU. We will direct you, support you, and encourage you as you discover that who you REALLY are is far more capable than you ever realised!

Six months from now, what will you see when you look in the mirror? Who will be looking back at you? Our goal for you is that you will see your reflection for what it truly is: the image of a very remarkable and worthwhile person…the image of the REAL YOU!

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